A: There are many ways to optimize websites, one of which is called keyword spamming. What you’ll find with that particular method is a slew of keywords flooding your business name (the main title). An example might be (make the font a little bigger and bolder)
“Toms Heating, Air Conditioning and plumbing contractor, Plumber supplies and service, AC replacement parts, cleaning”
What you see here is an entire “business name” that’s full of different categories as well as multiple keywords. “Heating and Air” are considered their own category, while “plumbing” is a completely separate category. Other words “Supplies, service, cleaning, replacement parts” while excellent helper keywords, when crammed together trigger any number of spam alerts. A website like that may very well rise quickly to the top in most of the keywords, but will undoubtedly get caught, and your business name, phone number and address are now blacklisted.
What we specialize in is quality websites that are so solidly on top, that they will then begin to attract some of the helper keywords, without those keywords even being in the title!